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Casa Conde de la Cañada

Casa Conde de la Cañada Near the Tower Gardens is the mansion of the Count of La Cañada, the façade of which boasts two coats of arms carved in stone, one as a cornerstone and the other inserted as the keystone of the entrance. The central stone is related to the...

Ciudad Real Museum

Ciudad Real Museum This museum displays the archaeological and palaeontological wealth of the surrounding area. It is divided into two sections: Palaeontology: This section contains a collection composed of fossil remains from different archaeological sites in the...

La Merced convent

La Merced convent This museum is located in a former convent founded in 1613. During the Spanish Confiscation of the 19th century, it became the property of the regional government, turning into the first provincial secondary education centre in 1843, under the name...

Elisa Cendrero Municipal Museum

Elisa Cendrero Municipal Museum Elisa Cendrero y de Arias del Castillo (1888-1977), an illustrious member of Ciudad Real’s high nobility, bequeathed her family home and collections to be turned into a municipal museum. This modernist building was built circa 1917, and...

López-Villaseñor Municipal Museum

López-Villaseñor Municipal Museum This museum is home to the works of Ciudad Real painter Manuel López Villaseñor, one of the best examples of Spanish painting from the second half of the 20th century. In its thirteen rooms, visitors can admire how the painter’s works...