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Ciudad Real – Maar de la Hoya de Mortero

  Ciudad Real – Maar de la Hoya de Mortero Linear route, outward and return: 11.5 km Leaving from the Quijote Arena (km 0) we take the Vía Verde. We follow it passing the intersection with the A-41 (km 2). Continue to the end where there is a rest area (km...

Faculty of Medicine – Puente de Hierro [iron bridge]

Faculty of Medicine – Puente de Hierro [iron bridge] Outward journey_9,5 kmStart from the Faculty of Medicine (km. 0), by Camino de moledores; continue via ‘La colada de los Mártires’ and take left (km. 2.5) to Route of Don Quixote towards the back...

P.G.I. Melon from La Mancha

P.G.I. Melon from La Mancha Melons from the P.G.I Melón de la Mancha are of the Piñonet or Piel de Sapo variety and have an ellipsoidal or ovoid shape. Their skin can be smooth or slightly rough. It has lengthwise grooves. its skin is predominantly green turning...

Game meat

Game meat The province of Ciudad Real has a great richness in hunting products. Hunting is abundant in both volume and variety. In the big game the deer and the wild boar stand out while the partridge, the quail and the rabbit are the protagonists of the small game....


JUDIA PINESA OF MALAGÓN The so-called “Judía Pinesa” is an indigenous and unique variety of beans in the entire world. This is so this type of bean is exclusively produced in the lands of Malagón (Ciudad Real). What characterizes this bean would be its small size, its...