Santa María del Prado Cathedral Santa María del Prado Cathedral (known by the full Spanish name of La Santa Iglesia Prioral Basílica Catedral de las Órdenes Militares de Nuestra Señora Santa María del Prado) is the latest of Ciudad Real’s three Gothic churches. While...
San Pedro Church This is a Gothic church from the 14th and 15th century built at the time of the city’s greatest splendour due to the demographic growth that took place during those centuries. It has three naves with ribbed vaults, the central of which is higher and...
Santiago Church Started at the end of the 13th century, the style of this church is 14th century Castilian Gothic with a sober exterior.The interior of the church contains three naves which in the chancel area correspond to three apses that are completely covered by...
La Merced Church Part of the complex of the Antiguo Convento de la Merced, a former convent founded in 1613, this 18th century church is very centrally located in the city, right behind the Palacio de la Diputación or county government building.The church, built in...
Carmelitas Convent This 17th century convent, built in Renaissance and Baroque style and categorised as a Spanish Cultural Heritage Site in 1991, goes by the full Spanish name of the Monasterio de Santa Isabel y San Antonio Abad de las Reverendas Madres Carmelitas...
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