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Provincial Goverment Building

Provincial Goverment Building Palace of the Diputacion Provincial de Ciudad Real or provincial council building is the most monumental civil building in the city, and is representative of the architectural style of the late-19th century and the works of architect...

Casa del arco and the carillon clock

Casa del arco and the carillon clock The house known as the Casa del Arco, which faces the current town hall building, acted as the seat of the local government from the 15th century up until the end of the 18th century, when due to different damages, its structure...

Former Casino

Former Casino Inaugurated in 1887 and located right on the Paseo del Prado, this emblematic building built by Sebastián Rebollar y Muño was characterised by the use of a new material: iron. It was the place where the local elite got together, and it originally...

Real Casa de la Misericordia

Real Casa de la Misericordia The construction of this former hospital was ordered during the 18th century by Cardenal Lorenzana to serve as a residence for tradesmen as well as the unemployed, women and the poor, hence its official name, the Casa de Caridad y...

Medrano Palace

Medrano Palace This building, which is located between Paloma and Cruz Street and dates back to 1924, was ordered to be built by José Medrano over the top of the ruins of the mayor’s house, which was destroyed during the so-called “motín de las Mujeres” [the women’s...