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Tapas bars and cafes

Tapas bars and cafes Nombre Dirección Teléfono El Rincón de los Aromas Alamillo Bajo, 1 926 922 545 El Encuentro Alarcos, 26   Little’s Bar Alarcos, 27 678 587 574 Tapería Alarcos Alarcos, 28   El Boleto Alarcos, 28 926 921 549 Ángel Alfonso X el Sabio, 10 926...


Results for "gasset" NombreDirecciónTeléfonoNH (Hotel Ciudad Real)Alarcos, 25926 256 174Al Punto+Alcántara, 8926 036 511Don SanchoAltagracia, 52926 256 853D’aquí y D’alláAndalucía, 48926 031 438La CasonaAvda. de los Descubrimientos, s/n926 223...

Holy Week

Holy Week The maximum artistic expression of devotion in Ciudad Real takes place during the celebration of Holy Week, which has been declared an event of National Tourist Interest. This important week in the capital is an intense experience from Passion Sunday up...


Mayos On the last night of the month of April, groups dressed in regional outfits sing traditional mayos or regional songs of praise to the patron saint of the city, the Virgen del Prado. The city is adorned with beautiful “cruces de mayo”, a traditional type of cross...

Alarcos religious pilgrimage

Alarcos religious pilgrimage Alarcos has been intimately bound to Ciudad Real since the time of its founding. Evidence of this connection is the devotion – which still remains today – for the Virgin of Alarcos, who is worshipped in the chapel at the archaeological...